Ronald G. Williams

Personal Data

Phone: (740) 281-0671




Work Experience

Williams Computer Consulting                 9/78 to present


                During these years I have been a self-employed computer consultant. I have designed and written custom software; trained operators; installed and modified pre-written packages; performed needs assessments and provided the hand holding necessary for the following customers to fully utilize their computers. In some cases, I have written procedure manuals for all of a company’s functions. Complete with example general ledger entries. I have programmed using Access, Basic, Visual Basic, HTML, COBOL, RPG, Assemblers, FORTRAN, dBase, Clipper, Informix, Fox Pro, and I can write a Lotus or Excel macro that will do the dishes. I know computers and how to make them work for you. I have an answering machine and a desire to stay busy. I have much teaching experience and have trained hundreds of students in data processing and accounting. I have worked on dozens of types of computers and know how to make them talk to each other. In 1983 I bought a PC and have been concentrating on PC software since.


Rollings, Shaw & Associates, P.C.          St. Charles, MO


            I created a Preneed Funeral Trust Database for this company. This major function of this package is to distribute the earned interest among the participants. I used Microsoft Access 2007 for this project.


Composix Co.                                              Newark, Ohio

 Tencate                                                         Hebron, Ohio


            We created a Ballistics Testing Database for this armor company. The database maintained and calculated V50, V50 Velocity Loss, V0 and VS/VR tests. We used Microsoft Access 2003 for the project.


Armor Source                                               Hebron, Ohio


            We created a Ballistics Testing Database for this armor company. The database maintained and calculated V50, and V0 tests. We used Microsoft Access 2003/2007 for the project. This flavor also included ammunition inventory procedures.


High Com Security, Inc.                             Columbus, Ohio


                        We created a Ballistics Testing Database for this armor company. The database maintained and calculated V50, V50 Velocity Loss, V0 and VS/VR tests. We used Microsoft Access 2003/2007 for the project.


The Shock Shop                                            Newark, Ohio


I created and maintained a couple of Shock Absorber Websites for this company.


Knowledge Bowl                                          Ohio High Schools

   I reverse engineered The Knowledge Bowl 2004-2005 Edition. I wrote it using Visual Basic hooked to an Access Database. It provides a way for schools to compete in Jeopardy type knowledge games.  

Redskin Trucking                                         Johnstown, Ohio

            I designed and created a Dump Truck Brokerage Access Database. This package is described in detail in a PowerPoint Slide show I published in htm format on the front page of our Website. Anyone looking for an Access VBA/Visual Basic programmer you have found the talent you are looking for. Here is the address of that Slide Show…


Kolbus Controls                                          Carrolton, Ohio

            Kolbus Controls is involved very much in PLC programming, specializing in Electroplating.

Working with them, my son (Jason) and I have written the software to control several very large Robots.

            For Masterguard Electroplating in Veedersburg, Indiana we created a robot that monitored and controlled 14 Hoists, 128 Tank Locations, 100 Storage Locations, Six Elevators, Three Shuttles and around 50 other motors. This software was written in Visual Basic hooked to Access Databases and PLCs.  They chrome plate bumpers for the auto industry.


            For Rolls Royce in Indianapolis, Indiana we created a robot that monitored and controlled a One Hoists, 19 Tank Locations. This software was written in Visual Basic hooked to Access Databases and PLCs. The hoist did its thing based on part recipes which included the timings for all the tanks along with Rectifier information (Amps/Volts), drain times, etc. They copper plate jet engine parts for aviation industry.


            For General Super Plating in Syracuse, New York we created a robot that monitored and controlled 6 Hoists, 70 Tank Locations. This software was written in Visual Basic hooked to Access Databases and PLCs.  They chrome plate plastic handles for razors among many other things.


Ampacet                                                        Heath, Ohio

                                                                        Queretaro, Mexico

            We created an Access Database Visual Basic project that keeps track of Customers, Orders, Scheduling, Raw Materials, Finished Goods and Recipe information for this large plastics manufacturer, that was opening a plant in Mexico. It is expected to take six months to a year to integrate their corporate enterprise software into the mix, so they needed some software that would allow them to open the doors and start it up.


Independent Trailer Services                      Dayton, Ohio

I have a long relationship with this company. They sell, and repair the back ends of 18-wheelers. They’re a Trailways Distributor. They also rent out hundreds of trailers and they also have a bunch of storage garages. Around 15 years ago I installed and customized some MAI accounting software that they have used since. Early in 2000 they ask me to create a new package for them to handle everything.  Using Visual Basic and Access I designed and wrote an Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Invoicing, Sales Commissions, Payroll, Trailer Rental, Storage Garage, and Accounts Payable. This is quite a package. Check out our Web Site to see a preview. We’re now taking the pieces and converting them to Access 2003. VB 2005 will have to wait.

                                --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                                --- Language used: Basic, VB, Access, Office, and Crystal Reports ---


Assured Protection, Inc.                Newark, Ohio

            I have had a 25 year relationship with this Pre-Arranged Funeral Trust company (pay now, die later). I just completed my 5th rewrite. A bunch has changed in computer software since the early 80’s.

This major function of this package is to distribute the earned interest among the thousands of participants. I also developed a General Ledger and Investment package.

                                --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                                --- Language used: Basic, dBase, Visual Basic 6, Crystal Reports, Access---

Beckman Transportation                Buckeye Lake, Ohio

H&W Transportation                      Buckeye Lake, Ohio

            I wrote a shipping broker package for these companies (A/R and A/P). I also installed accounts payable and payroll packages. Then a couple of years ago I rewrote the package using Access Databases, Visual Basic front end, and Crystal Reports. They had me set up the software for 7 different Cost Centers. Check out my Web Site to see a preview.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Lotus, Basic, Access, Visual Basic, Crystal Reports ---


Interleave Systems, Inc.                  Heath, Ohio

            Interleave is a subsidiary of Wisconsin Label Group, and provides computer related products involved in the labeling industry. I was working on a production line (print and apply) package for Coca Cola Syrup Plants. EDI (bar code) labels are printed and applied to the boxes of syrup as they travel down Coke’s production lines. Also, pallet labels are printed and applied to the shrunk wrapped skids. I spent a lot of time modifying their Visual Basic code to be compatible with multiple networks (NT and Novell). I spent a lot of time, on the road trouble shooting, and installing the software and hardware. I programmed many thermal printers on this project.


Label Graphix, Inc                           Heath, Ohio

            I installed accounts receivable, order entry, inventory, payroll, general ledger, financial statements, accounts payable, purchase orders, and fixed assets. I also wrote some Lotus macros, dBase programs, modified their Windows software, and trained their operators. I have worked on Power Point Slide Shows, including AutoCAD drawings that we animated. I also utilized my Digital Camera to create bmp’s that were also included in training and presentation Power Points. I created 8 hours of PowerPoint based classes (Classes: Windows, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Binder, and Word). Click a button take the class. Neat Stuff! I also created a package to keep track of, and report on, EPA Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions. I interfaced Excel, Access, and Visual Basic; Check out my Web Site to see part of it. Nice Graphs! I also added a dozen computers and a Proxy Server to their network, IP addresses, control panel changes, setting up user names and passwords on their Unix Box.

--- Computers used: PC’s UNIX network --- Language used: Basic, Lotus, dBase, Act, Office and Visual Basic---


Jenkins Sunoco                                Granville, Ohio

            This company has three pieces. They have a gas station – mini mart in Granville, a gas station in Sunbury, and an auto repair shop. All three entities are retail establishments and have a bunch of daily numbers to keep track of. Using Excel I created 3 workbooks that have a worksheet for every day of the month. As they type in their daily numbers to establish over and short numbers the workbook automatically accumulates monthly totals and automatically creates graphs and accumulates G/L entries. Anyone who has daily numbers to keep track of should talk to us. Check out our Web Site for a preview.


Fairdale Mini Mart                           Cambridge, Ohio

            I created an Excel Workbook for this company also. See above, or see web site.

Board of Elections                           Newark, Ohio

            I wrote an Election Day worker package for them and I provided some technical help getting this organization over some problems with their voter files. Plus, I hooked my PC to my Data General Micro-Nova, and also to a DEC PDP-1170, so I could convert their data files to a magnetic tape and send the data to the Secretary of State.

                        --- Computers used: Mainly a Data General Micro-Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---

Goodman & Son Mfg. Jewelry, Inc.        Columbus, Ohio

            I installed and customized MAI (Basic four Corp.) software. Inventory, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger; plus Spread Sheets and Word Processing.                               --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---

United Way of Licking Co.            Newark, Ohio

            Using a Data General Micro-Nova and later a Data General Nova-3, I designed and wrote a campaign and pledge receivable package. I also installed, customized and maintained pre-written packages for accounts payable, general ledger, payroll and word processing. I converted their files into new software on a group of PC’s.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova; Nova-3; PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---

United Way of Central Stark Co.  Canton, Ohio

            Same as above using a Data General Nova 4X.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Nova 4X ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


United Way of Pinellas Co.            St. Pete, Florida

            Same as above using a Data General Nova 3.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Nova 3. ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Dountz Ag Service   Orient, Ohio

            Installed and customized order entry, account receivable and inventory packages for this agricultural distributor. I also trained their operators.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---

Criss Bros. Funeral Home Newark, Ohio

            Provided software help installing packages and new releases on their computer. I also wrote some Lotus Macro for them to import case information from their mortuary files to Lotus.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic, dBase ---


Heisey Collectors of America, Inc.           Newark, Ohio

            I developed a membership, renewal system, inventory system and postal sort for this glass museum. I created a dBase package to index their archival material. I upgraded their software from dBase to Access.

                        --- Computers used: Novell Network ---

                        --- Language used: dBase, Access, Excel, Word ---


Dayton Mattress                   Dayton, Ohio

            Installed and customized order entry, accounts receivable, inventory and payroll for this mattress manufacturer. I also trained operators.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---

Hance Manufacturing          Westerville, Ohio

            Installed and customized order entry, accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable for this grain elevator manufacturer. I also trained operators.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


The Center for Alternative Resources      Newark, Ohio

            Installed accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll and general ledger.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---

Finefrock Funeral Home                Mansfield, Ohio

            I developed a funeral package, that printed out death certificates, VA benefit forms, Soc. Sec. forms etc...

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Thermal-gard of Ohio                     Columbus, Ohio

            I developed an electronic memo package.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Lotus, Cross-Talk and Basic ---



Church of Christ                               Columbus, Ohio

            Installed a payroll package on their computer.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic


American Red Cross                       Newark, Ohio

            I developed a Mailing label file for their contributors and volunteers. I later converted their data from a Data General to PC’s.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Nova-3; PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Ideal Sanitation                                 Newark, Ohio

            I designed, wrote and documented a sanitation receivable package for this garbage company. I also installed, customized and maintained pre-written packages for accounts payable, general ledger, payroll and word processing.

                        --- Computers used: Data general Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Contour Forming                             Newark, Ohio

            Installed, customized and maintained pre-written packages for accounts payable, payroll and word processing.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Dynacraft Golf Products, Inc         Newark, Ohio

            I customized and installed an accounts receivable, inventory and payroll system.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Pal-Joey Golf, Inc.                          Newark, Ohio

            I customized and installed an accounts receivable, inventory and payroll system.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Multi-Flow of Columbus                Columbus, Ohio

I developed three packages. One for truck maintenance, one to keep track of prospects, and one to produce invoices and print driver delivery route lists.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: dBase ---


Park National Bank             Newark, Ohio

            Developed a mailing label system. I also hooked an IBM PC to a Data General and converted the files to PC’s.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Nova-3; PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Howden Co.                                     Newark, Ohio

            I helped install this computer, with word processing and EasyLink communications with Western Union’s network.    --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: EasyLink; Basic ---


Agency for Retarded Citizens        Newark, Ohio

            Developed a mailing label file for their contributors and volunteers.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Nova-3 ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---

Downey, Speaks & Associates      Columbus, Ohio

            I installed several MAI pre-written packages.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Fyrepel Products                              Newark, Ohio

            I installed, customized and maintained pre-written packages for accounts payable, general ledger, payroll, accounts receivable, order entry and word processing. Then installed Lotus, accounts payable, general ledger, payroll on a PC.                --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova; PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: MAI Basic Santa Cruz’s XENIX---

Licking County Aging Program     Newark, Ohio

Developed system for maintaining mailing label files. I also installed, customized and maintained pre-written packages for accounts payable, general ledger, payroll.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova; PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Enterprise Gas and Oil                    Cambridge, Ohio

            I developed several packages for their gas  and oil partnerships. I also installed pre-written packages for accounts payable, general ledger, and payroll.

                        --- Computers used: Burroughs B700 ---

                        --- Language used: COBOL ---


Ralph Dunlap CPA’s                       Newark, Ohio

            I installed, customized and maintained a client accounting system.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Whalen and Company CPA’s       Newark, Ohio

            I installed, customized and maintained a client accounting system.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Hayes Concessions              Columbus, Ohio

            I installed a payroll package and trained operators.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Fraternity Management                   Columbus, Ohio

            I changed many of their Basic programs. And, I also helped hook their machine to a NCR computer for ordering purposes.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Ludowici                                            New Lexington, Ohio

            Performed a system survey and developed a request for proposal to automate their business. I also helped them to evaluate the 30 proposals that came back.


Boy Scouts                                        Newark, Ohio

            Developed a Cub Scout and Boy Scout package, and a mailing label package.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova; Nova-3 ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---




Eastern Drilling Mud Service          Cambridge, Ohio

            I installed, customized and maintained packages for accounts payable, general ledger, payroll, word processing, accounts receivable, and order entry. Plus I developed some packages for vehicle maintenance and chemical analysis.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---

General Business Services  Granville, Ohio

            Using my Data General Micro Nova I processed several hundred, year end W2’s and payroll reports.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Benatti Gas and Oil             Cambridge, Ohio

            I worked with a few of their employees instructing them on the use of dBase and Dos.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: dBase ---


Walker and Battat Ford                  Heath, Ohio

            I designed and wrote a lease system.

                        --- Computers used: Burroughs B-3700 ---

                        --- Language used: COBOL ---


YWCA                                                           Canton, Ohio

            I developed and wrote a mailing label system.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


YWCA                                                           Newark, Ohio

            I developed and wrote a mailing label system.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Bureau of Child Support                 Newark, Ohio

            I modified their child support system.

                        --- Computers used: Data General CS-40 ---

                        --- Language used: COBOL ---


The Racquet Center             Newark, Ohio

            I developed and processed a membership and renewal system for this racquetball club.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Talsol Manufacturing                       Cincinnati, Ohio

            I customized a few of their programs.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova-3 ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


The Front Wall                                 Newark, Ohio

            I developed and processed a membership and renewal system for this racquetball club.

                        --- Computers used: Data General Micro Nova ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Ohio State University                      Newark, Ohio

            I designed and wrote some programs for the psychology department to analyze data for several experiments.

Army National Guard (helicopter division)

                                                            Rickenbacker - Columbus, Ohio

            I documented the packages that were on the computer, and modified inventory programs to maintain information required by the EPA.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s UNIX network ---

                        --- Language used: Informix ---


Callif Foods                                      Columbus, Ohio

Fresh & Ready                                  Columbus, Ohio

            I wrote some sales analysis programs for these produce companies.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---

Wells Snyder & Co. CPA’s            Newark, Ohio

            Here I provided some technical help, installing an accounts payable system.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Sensotec, Inc.                  Columbus, Ohio

            I was brought into this company to help them recover from a massive system crash. I then converted a couple of Clipper systems to Fox Pro.


Meridian Drilling & Equip.  Newark, Ohio

            I created some Lotus macros to handle oil production. Also, I installed a general ledger package.            --- Computers used: PC’s ---      --- Language used: Lotus, Basic ---


Wiler, Doucher, Van Buren & Boyle        Columbus, Ohio

            I changed some dBase print formats for this lawyer’s office.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: dBase ---


Wasserman                                       Columbus, Ohio

            I modified their MAI payroll programs to better handle their needs.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Basic ---


Engle Wholesale Florist                 Columbus, Ohio

            I modified SBT (dBase) programs for order entry, purchase orders, and point of sale systems.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Clipper ---

David Martin (attorney)                   Newark, Ohio

            I created some Word Perfect Macros for printing legal documents based on questions answered.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Word Perfect ---


Stevens Warehouse Services          Heath, Ohio

            I modified some Clipper programs (inventory and billing).

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Clipper ---

O.D.O.T                                           Columbus, Ohio

            I developed a data base system to maintain information on research projects that they are working on.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: dBase ---

Apple Tree Auction Center            Newark, Ohio

            I modified their auction software.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s ---

                        --- Language used: Fox Pro ---


Mid Con Petroleum             Heath, Ohio

National Energy Exploration          Heath, Ohio

            I modified gas and oil software for these companies.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s  Novell network---

                        --- Language used: Fox Pro ---


Agri General Corporation  Croton, Ohio

            I modified a vehicle maintenance system for this egg farm.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s Novel Network ---

                        --- Language used: Clipper ---


Caine Corporation                           Hebron, Ohio

            I modified programs for this manufacturing company. Bill of materials software.

                        --- Computers used: PC’s Novell network ---

                        --- Language used: Clipper ---


AMC, Inc.                                         Columbus, Ohio

            I made modifications to Access software to facilitate data replication and synchronization.

                        --- Computers used: PC's ---

                        --- Language used: Access --- 


Added Touches                                Pataskala, Ohio

            I created an Inventory package, helped set up their network, programmed their cash register, helped them to get their business started.

                        --- Computers used: PC's ---

                        --- Language used: Access, Visual Basic --- 


eBay Auction Tracking Software

            My son and I have been listing items on eBay’s auction site. We developed a great (Visual Basic – Access – Crystal Reports) package to help us keep track of auctions, sellers, buyers, emails, receipts, and expenses. It prints checks; labels mail insurance claims, reports, envelopes, and more. The software has advanced search capabilities that make it easy to find or filter what you’re looking for.  Check out our web site for more information. We are one of the 6% of Internet companies making money on e-commerce. Our eBay handle is ronwilliamsjas. Check out our listings.


WORK EXPERIENCE (before starting business)

Thriftway - Sav-All                          9/74 to 9/78

Cincinnati, Ohio

Position: Lead Programmer, Analyst

            Thriftway - Sav-All is a grocery, drug store chain. During my employment I was involved in a wide range of applications and responsibilities. I completely developed their payroll system; created a rolodex system which formulated retails for all of their prescription items; developed movement and gross profit systems for both companies; developed a system to monitor all of the bad checks that were accepted at the stores; developed price check systems; and a multitude of inventories. Also I played a major role in two hardware conversions. First was a conversion from an IBM 360/20 to a NCR Century 101. The second was to a Univac 9030. I was involved in implementing on-line CRT systems, remote batch processing, and 2780 emulation with an IBM 370 host. Languages used were: RPG2; COBOL; and Assembler.


Eastland Joint Vocational Center  9/73 to 7/74

Groveport, Ohio


Position: Senior Data Processing Instructor

            I taught high school seniors: IBM System3 operations; RPG2; COBOL; OCL statements; Disk utilities; Flowcharting; Documentation; Unit record equipment; etc. I also taught Advanced Accounting and Business Law. I was the advisor of the OEA Club and worked on the placement of students.


Adult Education Center                              8/ 72 to 8/73

Columbus, Ohio

Position: Data Processing Instructor

            I taught computer programming and operations using an IBM 1130 computer. I also was involved in the placement of students. Languages taught were: RPG, COBOL, Assembler, and FORTRAN.

Mata College                                     6/70 to 11/72

Columbus, Ohio

Position: Asst. Director of Training

            I taught computer programming and operations using an IBM 360/30, 360/20, and an IBM 1130. Placement of students was also a part of my duties. Languages taught: RPG; COBOL; Assembler; and FORTRAN.


Additional Remarks

            I also taught several computer courses at Central Ohio Technical College. The computers used were a DEC PDP-1170 and IBM PC’s. On the DEC computer I taught advanced COBOL and Systems. On the PC’s I taught DOS, Basic, dBase, Spreadsheets, and Word Processing. I also served as a member of the Advisory Committee for Computer Programming Technology.







High School:

                        Newark Senior High    Newark, Ohio 9/63 to 6/66

Technical School:

                        Automation Institute  Columbus, Ohio 10/67 to 8/68

                        Course: computer programming and Operations

                        Computers Used: IBM 360/20 and 360/30 and

                        unit record equipment

College:         Ohio University              Athens, Ohio 9/68 to 1/72

                        Course of study: Computer Science, Business,

                        Quantitative Methods and Psychology

                        Computers Used: IBM 1130 and 360/44


I also attended an advanced Lotus course at Mentor Technology in Columbus.

Hey thanks a lot, if you gotten this far. That’s a bunch of projects. Here’s who I am and what I do. I have a 32-year-old son, who is my business partner. We get up every morning and spend most of the day working on computers. Our main focus is now Visual Basic applications, MS Office, Access, HTML (Web development) and enjoying our work.

Thanks Again!