Williams Computer Consulting

                                               Software Makes 'em Work!

Our computer consulting company specializes in .Net Framework, Visual Basic, Databases, Access, Excel, Microsoft Office, SQL Server, Web Developer, ASPX and HTML. Put some real management tools to work and stop using your abacus.

WCC Software Packages

New Products: 

Dump Truck Dispatch Software: Written in Microsoft Access 2003

Truck Brokerage Dispatch Software: Written in Microsoft Access 2003

Simple Daily Numbers Workbook: Developed utilizing MS Excel 2003

Old Stuff:

Service Software: This could apply to carpet cleaning, office cleaning, and tile cleaning businesses.

Trucking / Transportation Brokerage Software
Trucking / Truck brokerage software:
This package handles load information between shippers and carriers. It prints invoices, statements, checks to carriers, cash requirements report, aging reports, 1099's, there are find carrier options to help cover a load, and much more. This database was originally dBaseIII, then converted to Visual Basic 5,6

Trucking Software Version 2

The software handles: invoicing, accounts receivable, carrier payables, 1099s, aging reports, etc. Visual Basic 6, hooked to Access 2000.


Funeral Trust Software
Pre-Arranged Funeral Software
For the past 20 years I have been involved with this pre-arranged funeral company (pay now, die later). They are working with dozens of funeral homes who are selling inflation free funerals. Pre-need. They take the money and invest it. The software that I developed spreads the interest among all of the participants. I  also developed a General Ledger and Investment package. I also wrote some Excel macros and a procedure manual. I wrote the current package using Visual Basic and Access. I have two different versions in use.


ITS is one of my customers. Among other things, they sell and repair trailers. They also have a parts department. I have created this software for Account Receivable, Inventory, Invoicing, Commissions, Payroll, General Ledger, Accounts Payable. It is written in Visual Basic 6 and I'm using Access 2000 databases.

Accounts Payable


Trailer Rental

Storage Garages 

Accounts Receivable


Access, Binder, Excel, Outlook
PowerPoint, Windows, Word ...

EPA Reporting
Keep track of volatile organic compounds...

Gas Station Software
Excel Workbook. A worksheet for every day ...


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Newark, Ohio (740) 281-0671 RonAndJason@WilliamsComputerConsulting.Com